Cannot Capture Me

Cannot Capture Me Do not touch me, you may bruise me, Do not hold me, you may break me, Forever cherish me, But set me free, I am but a sight to behold, you cannot capture me. Drleander
Fiery Daisies
Fiery Daisies We are not the daisies of yesterday, that you can pluck away to decorate your table we are not the lilies of tomorrow you wait to snuff away once your garden abounds we are the altar where your sins will be cleansed we are the light of tomorrow Our fire will rid your […]
Shakespeare To appreciate poetry and pain is an art.Dr.Leander Quotes Pictures Sayings that Inspire Motivate Resonate with your Soul.
Like a Raindrop
Like a Raindrop I will knock – Dr.Prashant Madan Mohan Dr.Leander Quotes Pictures Sayings that Inspire Motivate Resonate with your Soul.
Innocent Sinners
Innocent Sinners Let the sinful be punished Let the sinners be forsaken Let the liars be lambasted But Let your sin be forgiven The sin to love the world with an innocent heart For only an innocent heart could love this world full of sins […]
To feel and not to
I can feelyes I can feel this wind on my faceyes i can smell this fragrance in the airthe mellow brushes of this gentle stream on my skinthe sensations of a thousand strands of grass on my feetthe velvety feel of a rose petal on my finger tipsi can feel the warm sunshine on my […]
I saw a dream last night
I saw a dream last night,I was surfing on a beach made of diamonds,the sands were made of silver crystal,the sky was made of laughter,the winds were made of your sweet breath,the waves drench me up till my hair,it was so beautiful that even god came down from heaven,– Dr. Prashant Madan Mohan lionhearteagle
When it rains
When the rain pours and the lightning strikes, When the thunder roars and the trees gently rock, I lay on my bed with thoughts in my head, Should i sail out now or should i halt instead, Cant refrain… cant remain Cant resist… cant relinquish O […]
Dissolve disperse and diffuse in longing
Dr.Lionhearteagle Quotes Pictures Sayings that Inspire Motivate Resonate with your Soul. Help us help the poor, Donate to charitable fund $ $2.00 USD$ $5.00 USD$ $10.00 USD$ $15.00 USD$ $20.00 USD$ $50.00 USD$ $100.00 USD
Can’t take away my colors
You can douse me in the rivers, you can wither me in the deserts, but you can never take away my colors.-Dr.LionhearteagleQuotes Pictures Sayings that Inspire Motivate Resonate with your Soul. Help us help the poor, Donate to charitable fund $ $2.00 USD$ $5.00 USD$ $10.00 USD$ $15.00 USD$ $20.00 USD$ $50.00 USD$ $100.00 USD